The Piano Proficiency will be given to all music majors at the end of the sophomore year. All music majors must complete and pass this examination. All students will be placed in the appropriate level of piano class. The exam will be given once a year during the spring semester of the student’s sophomore year. Notices for these exams will be posted two weeks prior to the exam date. The Proficiency exam may be taken in sections. The exam may be scheduled at a time that is agreed upon by the student and the examining professor. The exam may be taken until successfully completed. The purpose of the Piano Proficiency exam is program is to ensure that all music majors, regardless of musical background, attain minimal proficiency in basic keyboard skills. Once the student passes the exam, he/she may enroll in an Applied Piano course depending on space and availability. A record of the student’s results will be kept on his/her file. A copy will also be given to their advisor. MU 151 (freshmen fall semester); MU 152 (freshmen spring semester); MU 252 (sophomore fall semester); MU 253 (sophomore spring semester).
- Prepared Pieces (Piano Solo): Play with score or from memory, two prepared pi Students may choose from the list of Repertoire or choose a piece of their own with the consent of the faculty member.
- Minuet in G major by S. Bach from Anna Magdalena’s Book
- Prelude 1 by Catherine Rolling
- German Dance by Franz Joseph Haydn
- Rondino by Jean-Philippe Rameau
- Maior and Harmonic Minor Scales: ascending and descending major and minor scales (at a moderate tempo using the correct fingering) Playing the scales hands separately will be allowed.
- Major Five Note Penta scales: Play all major five note scales going up chromatically starting with C major followed by a blocked chord. (see inserted Major Penta scale sheet)
- Primary Chord Progressions: (l – IV – l – V7 – I) Students should be able to play in all major and minor common key chord progressions. (see the chord progression chart included)
- Sight reading: Sight reading of a selected work by faculty. Pieces for the portion of the exam will be made available 30 minutes prior to the examination time.
- Harmonization: Harmonization of a simple melody using chord symbols. Be able to play the melody in the right hand while playing accompanying chords with the left hand. The Harmonization excerpt will be made one week prior to the exam.
- Transposition: Candidates will be given a piece to transpose up or down an interval or into a given key. The excerpt will be given one week prior to the exam. Note: Students may pick up examples to be harmonized and transposed before the exam.
- Improvisation: (harmonize using lead sheet notation) improvise a right hand melody with specific left-hand chords as an Chords progression notation will be in the style of jazz chords symbols.
Required Text: Lancaster, E. l., & Renfrow, Kenon, Alfred’s Group Piano for Adults: An Innovative method enhanced with audio and MIDI files for practice and performance, Second Edition, Alfred Publishing Company Incorporated.
Piano Proficiency Requirement List can be assessed by clicking link below.